Youkai Festival 妖怪祭り

Youkai Festival 妖怪祭り

As a follow-up to our previous meeting-- Ghost Stories-- we will be learning about Youkai (Yōkai), a catch-all phrase for all Japanese supernatural monsters.


05:00 PM — 06:50 PM

Building 6 Room 216


As a follow-up to our previous meeting-- Ghost Stories-- we will be learning about Youkai (Yōkai), a catch-all phrase for all Japanese supernatural monsters: Apparations, ghosts, monsters, demons, etc. We shall dive into the supernatural world once more, with a festival kick to it, as well as pick up vocab and grammar points along the way!


5:00 PM - Ghost Stories meeting recap + Hiragana practice
5:30 PM - Start
6:50 PM - End

Natsume Yuujinchou San Youkai