Signs 看板

Signs 看板

Let's explore and break down the different types of signs you can find in Japan!


05:15 PM — 07:00 PM

Building 6 Room 216


At our next meeting, we will look at and break down a variety of Japanese signs, including ones you'd find commonly on the road, in the bustling city, or in the crowded metro. We'll even tackle some particularly *interesting* signs.

Stop by the meeting room earlier at 5:10 PM for a brief recap of last week's meeting (Restaurants)!
At 6:30, we will be doing intermediate-focused activities.

Hope to see you there!


5:10 PM - Brief recap of last week's meeting
5:30 PM - Start
6:30 PM - Intermediate Activities
7:00 PM - End

Various rectangular prism shaped Japanese signs